Uncomplicate Mastercard and Visa Transaction Reporting

Are you losing out on unrealised revenue? Transaction fees aren’t the only thing eating away at your bottom line.

In the complex payments ecosystem of merchants, PSPs, banks, and processors, significant revenue gains can come from eliminating inefficiencies and improving customer experience.

InsightOptix offers a cost-effective solution to simplify reporting and file management requirements of Mastercard and Visa transactions. Explore new opportunities for cost savings and revenue generation by eliminating inefficiencies you may not even be aware of.

Businesses are losing time and revenue to Mastercard and Visa's complex settlement reporting that:

  • Doesn’t provide human-readable file formats
  • Clouds visibility into various transactions
  • Does not provide valuable business insights

Secure your profits and streamline Mastercard and Visa's file management with InsightOptix.

Ready to try InsightOptix?

Start your two-week free trial to see how simplified reporting can increase profits.

InsightOptix is the ultimate answer to Mastercard and Visa's intricate transaction reporting and file management conundrums, all while keeping your costs in check. This toolset includes:
  • Mastercard T112 Report Generator for building user-friendly reports from Mastercard’s incoming T112 files.
  • Mastercard T464 Report Generator helps automate daily transaction analysis to understand customer spending patterns.
  • Mastercard TN70 Report Generator delivers clearing and reconciliation data, including interchange fees, chargebacks and more.
  • Visa 733 Report Generator helps to visualise spending patterns, understand customer behaviour and more.
  • Visa 733F Report Generator offers detailed information to investigate and resolve chargebacks, adjustments and other discrepancies.
  • Visa EPIN Report Generator offers deeper insights into transaction flows for complex reconciliation and analysis.

    *InsightOptix is currently configured for Windows® systems. For custom MacOS instances, please contact sales@afferentsoftware.com.

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Collectively, we have over 25 years of experience in the payments industry. Whatever it is, we are able to assist with our expert advice and payment software solutions.

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We offer a bespoke innovative service to our clients. Our services team is specifically designed to fast-track new ideas and build quick, tangible proof of concepts.

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We also develop POS, ATM, online processing, offline settlement, reporting and other payments plug-ins for various platforms including ACI Worldwide’s Postilion software solution.